It's Easy To Disregard It When It's Not Your Problem
Now, I've talked about Cultural Appropriation and I've talked about the problem with the phrase "I'm colorblind". Well now you're getting a two for one special and it's not something I enjoy gifting to you but it's important so we have to deal with it. There's a certain kind of person who partakes in these acts. They think they're innocent, they say that they're not racist and that they would never do anything to hurt anyone. I don't doubt that they aren't doing it on purpose but they are doing it. It's a casual kind of racism. It's something that went unnoticed for a long time until recently and it needs to be called out and brought to people's attention. It's disregarding things that are racist because it's not your problem. It's easy to see things in a black and white way (no pun intended) when it's not your issue and you don't have to deal with it. Marc Jacobs put on a fashion show for New Y...