Bullying In The Locker Room: Tradition or Toxic Masculinity?
Recently there has been a lot of talk surrounding the Mauro Ranallo and JBL situation going on in WWE. As a wrestling fan, I've been a fan going on about nine years, there has always been talk about backstage "ribbing" as they call it. Which is pranks or a little veteran on newbie hazing. There is light hearted ribbing and then there's JBL style ribbing. Where he'll do something so outrageous and atrocious that it makes you wonder why he's still working with the company. He'll rib to the point where it comes across as actual harassment. With the things that are out there that both former and current wrestlers have said, he can be classified as a bully. A big bully. But let's start with what's going on right now. So Smackdown Live color commentator Mauro Ranallo has been missing from WWE TV for quite some time now. He took some time off right around Wrestlemania citing mental health reasons. For those who don't know, Ranallo was diagnosed wi...