Diet Teas

It's no secret that people like to lose weight. Whether for health reasons or just a personal preference about your own body. But there are right ways to do so and I want to speak to you about something that is very very wrong.

So if you frequent Instagram you've probably seen a few posts about products like Flat Tummy Tea and Fit Tea. These are diet teas that claim they'll make you healthier and help you lose weight by helping you to detox. Well, none of it is true. 

What these teas really do are act as laxatives, I know gross, and have high amounts of caffeine in them as well. They can make you sick and damage your body. Your body can become dependent on them like it would a laxative. These teas can lead to sicknesses like anorexia and bulimia. They are a danger. 

I know for a lot of us we follow certain people on social media because they inspire us in one way or another and they can be classified as "Goals" but if you see someone promoting these products I can almost guarantee that they are not using those teas and that they have a more practical and healthy way to stay in shape. Most of the people who are promoting these products don't need to lose weight in the first place. 

They are posting those pictures to make a quick buck from doing promo and it's not right. I don't want to see anyone hurt from using those teas. Just please, steer clear of them and if you're an influential person on the internet don't promote them. You can lead someone down a destructive path and no amount of money is worth that.   


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