The Fight Is On

Well, he was sworn in. It's official. Donald Trump is the new president of the United States and I don't know whether to scream in anger or crumble into a lump of anxiety. Maybe I'll do both, who knows?

What I do know is that we're in for an infuriating and scary four years. He's already trying to erase all the progress we've made as a country. The healthcare, civil rights,LGBT,climate change, and poverty sections were removed from the White House website. Apparently those issues mean nothing to our new leader. How lovely...

If that's not an omen of bad things to come, I don't know what is. And to think, people are asking that we give this man a chance. He's already made it clear that he's coming after free speech. Telling news organizations to "keep their mouths shut" and trying to take away the right to protest. He's making it his personal mission to ban Muslims from entering the country. Well, the one's that he's not in business with. Saudi Arabia can do whatever they please, but if you're from Syria? You're out of luck buddy.

His administration has taken away reproductive rights from women. No seriously, a room full of men made a decision about women's' bodies. Now, ask yourself: Does that sound right to you? Does that make one bit of sense? If the answer is no, than I suggest you look at the women in your life and think about if you truly care about them and their well being. If you want them to maintain their free will. If so, please stand with women and fight with us. I'm talking to the men right now when I ask this. Because these decisions are important. Defunding planned parenthood and banning abortions will lead to a lot of deaths among women. That's not hyperbole, that's fact. Banning abortion won't stop women from getting abortions, it'll cause women to seek out dangerous methods of abortion. Planned parenthood provides a lot of healthcare tools that otherwise women wouldn't be able to get.

These are just two examples of all the damage he's doing and we're not even into his second month of presidency. He WILL drive this country into the ground if he's allowed to continue. I ask of everyone, don't let him. Please keep fighting, keep yourself and the people around you informed. Don't stop talking about it. Don't believe all of the lies that he's telling you. Fascism has no place in the USA and we all know this. I know you know this. I'm asking you, I'm imploring you to care enough to take a stand in any way that you can. In any way that you know how to. We've got a long way to go and we need all hands on deck for this one. The less people he has on his side the better. The Trump administration needs to know that we're all united in our disapproval of him.


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