Refuse To Be Silenced

We're under a new regime in America. One where you aren't allowed to speak your mind lest you be intimidated and threatened with treason charges. The media aren't allowed to report on the news without being backed into a corner by the administration. Agencies are being told that they're not allowed to give info to the public.

We're all being placed under gag orders and none of us should take it. Remember, this is the age of INFORMATION. The news isn't the news anymore. We can transfer information from one place to another in an instant between each other. We can be our own reporters. That's how the police have been getting exposed. By the people who know what's right and won't stand for injustice.

You are so much more important than the so called leaders will tell you. This is our nation. We're in charge and if we don't like something it's our duty to change it. It's our right to change it. Now, the Trump administration is trying to take away our rights from any and all angles because they are scared. They're scared of what could happen when a nation becomes empowered and realizes that their voices and lives matter.

The United States is not a dictatorship despite Trump's efforts to turn it into one. I will not stand for being pushed around and told to keep my mouth shut and just stand for his dirty tricks. He can dress up his oppressive tactics all he wants. I see right through it and I hope you all do as well. He's a fascist in every sense of the word. He and every single one of his stooges. From Pence to Bannon, they all want you to shut up and take it. Don't. Don't shut up. Don't stop talking about them, don't stop making noise. Don't give up.

I know it's scary. We're all afraid of what's coming. But fear is motivation, not a handicap. Use your fear to keep going. Keep fighting no matter what. We only lose when we stop fighting. This is about all of us. It's because we stopped fighting that Trump is even in the position that he is.

We're in a time when it's important that no matter what, we not only know where we stand but we stand for something. I hope you stand for truth and fairness. I hope you stand for everyone having the right to live. I hope you stand for the right to make your own choices. I hope you stand for the right to have autonomy over your own body. Above all, I hope you choose to make a stand at all.


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