Give Up Those White Sticks and Handle Stress A Different Way

I'm someone who is VERY against the use and distribution of cigarettes. I don't see the appeal, I think they're disgusting and the health risks are not worth the small window of stress relief that they provide. Seriously. Get a new coping mechanism.

I know you've heard it all before. That cigarettes cause cancer and that they contain literal poison. While some things that people say to deter you from using them are quite frankly baseless scare speech, some of it is truthful and in the grand scheme of things even two facts should be enough to keep you away from these small sticks of terror. Just keep in mind that I'm not saying these things to judge anyone with an addiction. There are many people in my family who are smokers and I hate it dearly which is why I'm trying to save other people's family members. I'm trying to save you the stress of watching your loved one's struggle to deal with their stress.

My first point is the cancer claim. All in all, this one seems to be pretty true. Now, while this doesn't happen with every cigarette user, it's happened to enough smokers that it bares mentioning and if I were you, I'd heed this warning. No one wants lung or throat cancer from inhaling toxic chemicals into your body just because your work day was hard. Not worth it if you ask me.

Second point: It not only affects you but those around you. While there are disputing claims when it comes to the second hand smoke claim, it's crucial enough to the people around you that it'd just be better if you listened. Think about your kids, your pets. Your habit could be affecting them and it's really not fair to put that physical burden on them because they can't make the choice for you to quit. That's your choice. Anyway, who'd want to watch someone they care about slowly kill themselves with every puff and drag. Speaking from personal experience, it's a jab to the heart and that's not me speaking in hyperbole. It really hurts to watch people I care about smoke themselves that much closer to an early grave.

My next point: What's actually in them. Now, whenever you hear a speaker or a commercial talk about the dangers of smoking they speak about these alleged poisons in them that will be a detriment to your health. Let's list those ingredients. Shall we? This list comes from The Medical Lung Association (

  •  Acetone, which is found in nail polish remover
  • Arsenic, used in rat poison
  • Butane, an ingredient in lighter fluid
  • Cadmium, which is found in battery acid
  • Formaldehyde, embalming fluid
  • Tar, what is used to pave roads 
  • Toluene, what's used to manufacture paint
And many many more harmful ingredients that you're inviting into your body willingly. Remember, this isn't to judge. I'm trying to help because I care.

Now, when it comes to everyday stress, I get it. It's hard out here in the world. Trying to make it everyday without falling apart. Worrying about bills, taxes, putting food on the table, just being an adult period. But there are other ways to not only channel your stress but work through it so that you don't end up falling apart.

One good way to deal with stress is meditation. Seriously, it's helped me a lot. Sometimes just shutting out all outside stimuli and focusing on yourself and nothing else can be a godsend. The good thing is, you don't need anything but some great breathing exercises and the ability to step away from your stresses for a while so that you can decompress. A great app/website for meditation is It's filled with different meditations from guided to unguided and most of them are free. The app is great for relaxation on the go. Just plug in your headphones and find your inner peace and chill. There's also a breathing exercise on the mobile app for those times when you're on your last leg and life is getting on your last nerve.

Aromatherapy is another great way to unwind and de-stress. Everyone has seen those candles and incense that you light and the smell soothes you and helps you relax. They sell them pretty much everywhere. A great scent for relaxation is lavender and another is vanilla. Just wait until night to use lavender as it's a notorious sleep aid. Another aromatherapy product is Monq, which is an all natural essential oil diffuser with countless blends that can aid in different ways. From a sleep blend that can help with insomnia to a Zen blend that can help with stress. While they are not a certified cigarette substitute they have been known to curb the hand to mouth habit, as a representative from Monq informed me. You can check out and maybe even purchase any one of their products here. Now, as these are physical products I will point out that you should keep in mind allergies and personal health problems before using them but other than that you should be good to go.

But my biggest piece of advice would be to just talk it out. While sometimes it can be hard to reach out for help, there's no shame in admitting that you could use a shoulder to lean on. If there's someone in your life that can be that for you, don't hesitate to go to them. Life is a lot less difficult when you have people who will stand with you through it.


  1. Hi! Shawna here from MONQ! We appreciate the mention! We too are against the usage of cigarettes and love that you are spreading awareness. I didn't see a link within your blog and wanted to offer you a special discount for being so awesome! Feel free to use the code"MONQLOVE" for a discount at checkout! ��


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