They Trojan Horsed Us

Yep, that's right. While we were too busy paying attention to Trump crying wolf about Obama wiretapping Trump Towers (Seriously...) the rest of the snakes were slithering their way to more oppression. They snuck their way past and moved forward with some very damaging bills that they're trying to put into action. You better sit down for this list of travesties. It's really nothing new but when I break down the destruction we're possibly heading towards, it'll make your head spin.

The first is H.R. 861 which is to terminate The EPA aka The Environmental Protection Agency. Our planet is suffering enough and it's only getting worse as time goes on. Without the EPA to keep things in check, the issues we're currently facing are only going to accelerate at a higher momentum, bringing about unprecedented damage to our ecosystems and wildlife. Not to mention the damage to our food and water sources. Ahem, DAPL anybody? Flint Water Crises ring a bell?

The second is H.R. 610 is about redistributing tax dollars away from public schools and putting those funds into private schools. You know, those institutions that are normally funded by tuition and fees paid by the families of the students who choose to go there. Public schools are suffering enough between being low staffed and low on learning materials. Not to mention the issues with programs being cut left and right.

Then we have H.R. 899 one more hit to education in the form of terminating The Department of Education which would leave a lot of people unemployed and grants given to schools and universities by the department taken away. Guess Betsy DeVos wish of the department she heads being abolished will come to fruition.

H.J.R. 69 To repel rules protecting wildlife. One more hit for the environment and this time they're taking it right to living creatures. This bill speaks for itself but if you need clarification, Rep. Don Young introduced this one to remove a rule in Alaska that non-subsistence hunting is prohibited. In a place where Sarah Palin roams, this doesn't surprise me but that doesn't make it alright. In fact it's a very frightening thought. We humans have a history of hunting things to extinction. I don't see this ending any differently.

In a turn of predictability, H.R. 370 to repel The Affordable Care Act, which for those who don't know, is what most refer to as Obamacare. Yes, what most underprivileged families and people use so that they don't die is Obamacare and now that people realize that they don't want to get rid of The Affordable Care Act. Funny how that works. Give it a different name and they love it. But hey, I'm not bitter....

H.R. 354, To defund Planned Parenthood. This is a strike right at women and I won't hear any differently. Without Planned Parenthood millions of women will die and I'm not joking about that. Women. Will. Die. Back alley abortions will become a very real thing and reproductive health related issues will begin to spread almost immediately if this goes through.

H.R. 785, National Right To Work Legislation which will cut the legs out from under labor unions by defunding them and therefore leaving millions of workers without any protection. Wages will drop exponentially and those lovely work perks like healthcare and days off will go right out the window. There will be no one to fight for you to have those things. Your boss will essentially be able to be a dictator and there will be nothing you can do about. No lunch breaks for you.

H.R. 83, Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Act. This one is a real kicker. It pretty much says that if you don't go along with Trump's immigrant ban your state will be defunded and everyone living in your state, including you will be stranded without any government assistance.

H.R. 147, Now before I say what this bill is, I would like to point out that on International Women's Day Trump tweeted that he respects women. Noted? Okay. H.R. 147, To Criminalize Abortion. As if defunding Planned Parenthood weren't enough now we're going to say that anyone giving the service of abortion or getting an abortion will face up to five years in prison. There's not much I can add to this outrageous idea. It's just that. Offer the services or try and get an abortion and you're going to jail. There's no witty remark or sassy commentary. It's just that and I can't believe I had to type that.

Please call your representatives and tell them to vote no on these disgusting displays of human evilness by calling 202-224-3121. Ask for your member of Congress and tell them that we won't stand for this. This is unacceptable and you can't sneak this past us while your clown puts on a show.


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