
Showing posts from February, 2017

Poor Sensitive President Can't Take The Heat?

Oh no! Trump is scared that his little feelings are going to be hurt, so he's backing out of the White House Correspondents Dinner, an event that's usually attended by the president and his first lady. But why is he?, you may ask. Well, the answer is simple. He's afraid of what people might say in his presence. If you know nothing else about Donald Trump, know this: He can not take criticism. Like a petulant toddler stomping his feet and running to his mommy because the other kids don't like him, he will throw an absolute fit when he's confronted with someone that he can't bend to his will. That he can't bully into being on his side. He's nothing but an attention seeker, a class clown looking for his next audience. That's why he's so good at being a reality star. He thrives on the feeling he gets when all eyes are on him. He fails at everything else. The fact that an entire country for the most part, hates his guts is eating away at him. It...

Education and Environmental Protection Demolished

To think that it's only been about a month since the orange idiot took office and threw a wrench in the progress we were gaining as a country. Well, prepare to take a BUNCH of steps backward and into the abyss. He's trying to not only ruin us but kill off the entire world. Although, that's what many said would happen beforehand.... First, he appointed Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education. A rich woman who has never worked in the education system, knows nothing about it, and wants to privatize education. Effectively not only kicking the small amount of education we had out from under us but also trying to implement a system that will benefit the rich over the less fortunate (big surprise there) and pretty much lead to segregation in the school system again. I'm not exaggerating, I'm not joking, this isn't hyperbole. This is real. She used her wealth to gain this job and now she's going to lead to millions of children not getting what little education they ...

Refuse To Be Silenced

We're under a new regime in America. One where you aren't allowed to speak your mind lest you be intimidated and threatened with treason charges. The media aren't allowed to report on the news without being backed into a corner by the administration. Agencies are being told that they're not allowed to give info to the public. We're all being placed under gag orders and none of us should take it. Remember, this is the age of INFORMATION. The news isn't the news anymore. We can transfer information from one place to another in an instant between each other. We can be our own reporters. That's how the police have been getting exposed. By the people who know what's right and won't stand for injustice. You are so much more important than the so called leaders will tell you. This is our nation. We're in charge and if we don't like something it's our duty to change it. It's our right to change it. Now, the Trump administration is trying ...