Fashion and Politics
I originally pitched this piece to a website who said that "It's a little too broad" for their website. Which, fine. That's within their right to reject it. So I'll just post it here instead. There’s this attitude among a certain section of society that likes to look at fashion and beauty as a “frivolous hobby and use of time”, but I disagree with that sentiment wholeheartedly. Especially when people use this line of thinking as to why someone should keep up with politics and world events. Being that fashion is all about expressing yourself and projecting the image you want to put out into the world, there’s no way that’s not political. There’s no way those two things are not interconnected. When you wake up in the morning and get ready for the day, whether you wear a face full of makeup or just some lip balm, that’s your personal identity that you’re expressing to the world. When you pick out your clothes for the day you’re putting your best foot forward. ...